Six generations of innovation
Building our future on tradition.
For a medium-sized family company, its history also shapes its future because knowing where you have come from makes it easier to know where you want to go. Our long history gives us perspective on the one hand, and motivation to further develop, improve, and never stand still on the other.
What began in 1833 with the founding of a factory for upholstery nails, which then lead in 1921 to the establishment of a packaging plant to satisfy the company’s internal demands, is now in its sixth generation of family ownership – with a desire that many more generations might follow.
We are one of the most state-of-art companies in the printing and packaging industry, and a company that unites tradition and progress. With our team of specialists in a wide variety of areas, we are ready for the future and welcome new challenges.
Patrick Kleine-Cosack joins company management. Together with Jürgen Kocks, who had already been working as a managing director in the company since 2006, the Cosack business is now managed by the sixth generation.
Green field construction of a new company building.
Management by Peter Kleine-Cosack of the new company Cosack Druck + Verpackung, in familial harmony with the other companies in the Cosack Group, mainly metal processing businesses which split off from the packaging area to follow their own path.
Carl-Willy Kleine-Cosack takes over the management of the company. Conversion from letterpress to offset printing.
Founding of the Cosack cardboard factory – initially to package the company’s own products within the Cosack Group, including lamps, nails, rivets and kitchen appliances.
The company Tappe + Cosack, a factory for upholstery nails and metal processing, is founded and lays the foundation for the company’s history.